With a fusion of Arabian spirit and international appeal, femi9 has evolved into one of the fastest growing regional brands in the Middle East within just a decade. It was 1999 when we opened our first store in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - and in 2020 we have already celebrated the opening of the 62nd femi9 store and we have already launched the e-commerce website in 2019. The femi9 brand was born in an Arabian textile dynasty founded with the vision of providing glamorously inimitable garments to the Middle Eastern woman; a talented multicultural team plans, designs and markets three annual femi9 collections tailored to appeal to the lifestyle of modern Arab women. With each collection, customers are offered original style trends that best convey their feminine appeal. Over the years of our regional growth, we have met consumers of many countries and learned about their style, fashion and lifestyle preferences. Now we are reaching across the borders of the Middle East, appealing to our target groups with the universal language of femininity and confidence
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Vestibulum euismod nisl suscipit ligula volutpat, a feugiat urna maximus. Cras massa nibh, tincidunt ut eros a, vulputate consequat odio.
Vestibulum vehicula tempor nulla, sed hendrerit urna interdum in. Donec et nibh maximus, congue est eu, mattis nunc. Praesent ut quam quis quam venenatis fringilla. Morbi vestibulum id tellus commodo mattis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean accumsan id mi nec semper.

Saudi Arabia